Taiwanese Competitive Eater Stopped For Eating Too Much At All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant

Taiwanese Competitive Eater Stopped For Eating Too Much At All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant

Can it still call itself an all-you-can-eat establishment if diners can’t actually do that?

When you visit an all-you-can-eat restaurant, you’d expect to be able to have your fill and more.

Sure, you may attract a few disgruntled looks from the staff if you have an overly huge appetite, but to be stopped for eating too much?    ‘

That’s exactly what happened to Taiwanese YouTuber and competitive eater who goes by the moniker Black Wise. He frequently shares his eating exploits with his 11.5K subscribers on YouTube.

Earlier this week, Black Wise took to Facebook to share how he was stopped while dining at an all-you-can-eat restaurant ‘cos he had eaten too much.

“Dumbfounded. First time encountering an all-you-can-eat restaurant that is afraid of people eating,” he wrote.

“I need to eat large amounts of food which is why I went to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, but I was stopped because I ate too much.”

He did not reveal the name of the establishment or how much he ate, but stated that he did nothing wrong and had complied with dining regulations.

Netizens were shocked by how he was treated and criticised the restaurant for not honouring its promotion.

“Afraid of others eating at an all-you-can-eat? What a joke,” one said, while another concurred: “If they’re afraid of being eaten out of business, they shouldn’t advertise all-you-can-eat. Ridiculous!”

Some netizens also told him to give the eatery a one-star rating.

But looks like everything is cool between Black Wise and the eatery now.

Black Wise later updated with another post saying the restaurant had reached out to him after reviewing the surveillance footage and apologised for the incident.

“They invited me to dine there again. I accepted the apology and felt their sincerity,” he said.

Photos: Black Wise/Facebook


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