Immigration detains 87 undocumented foreigners at Seremban construction site

Immigration detains 87 undocumented foreigners at Seremban construction site

SEREMBAN: The Immigration Department has detained 87 undocumented foreigners at an affordable homes construction site here, says its state chief Kennith Tan Aik Kiang.

He said 90 foreigners were screened during the raid jointly carried out by the department and the state Islamic Affairs Department on Wednesday.

“Some of the foreigners, who were between 23 and 55 years of age, tried to escape but were captured.

“They will be sent to the Immigration depot in Lenggeng till we wrap up investigations,” he said in a statement.

Tan said the 87 detained comprised 52 Indonesians, including 14 women, and 35 Bangladeshis.

He said preliminary investigations revealed the foreigners had violated various provisions under the country’s Immigration laws.

The department, he said, had also issued two notices to the employer and caretaker of the site to assist in investigations.

He also expressed his gratitude to members of the public who had alerted the department of the presence of the undocumented foreigners.

“Immigration would again like to remind employers and the public not to hire or harbour any undocumented foreigner as action can be taken against you,”he added

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