No more plastic bags for KK shoppers by August

No more plastic bags for KK shoppers by August

KOTA KINABALU: Plastic bags will no longer be offered to shoppers in the city by August, says mayor Datuk Seri Dr Sabin Samitah.

Encouraging city folk to bring their own bags when they go shopping is part of the fifth phase of Kota Kinabalu City Hall’s (DBKK) “Bawa Beg Bah” (3B) campaign, he added.

The ongoing campaign aims to reduce the use of conventional plastic bags, in addition to promoting the practice of “reduce, reuse and recycle” among the public.

Eateries will also stop providing plastic bags and straws, Sabin added at the closing of a World Environment Day campaign at DBKK headquarters here on Tuesday (June 18).

He said under the current phase of the 3B campaign, outlets could only provide plastic bags to their customers four days a week.

“Currently, we are at the fourth phase of the 3B Campaign which disallows plastic bags on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays at all outlets within our jurisdiction.

“So in the next phase, we will increase it to the whole week,” he said.

The campaign does not apply to wet markets and fish markets.




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