Sacrificial buffalo escapes, breaks woman’s leg in Menggatal

Sacrificial buffalo escapes, breaks woman’s leg in Menggatal

KOTA KINABALU: A buffalo that was about to be sacrificed broke loose and started charging at people in Kampung Tobur, Menggatal.

A woman in her 40s also broke her leg during the incident.

Villagers had gathered at the Ar-Rahman Surau in Kampung Tobur for the Aidiladha celebration, with several mosque officials preparing five buffaloes for sacrificial slaughter when one animal managed to escape its leash at 9.30am on Tuesday (June 18).

“One of the ropes tethering the buffalo snapped and it broke free.

“The buffalo then ran around the area and charged at villagers,” said surau deputy chairman Ali Osman Ismail.

He added that the injured victim was trying to get her child to safety when the animal charged at her.

An ambulance was later called in to take the victim to the hospital.

Earlier, a video went viral showing panicked villagers trying to get away from the rampaging buffalo.




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