Datuk Red on ‘standby’ mode if ex-wives want to reconcile, but will let them go if they find new love

Datuk Red on ‘standby’ mode if ex-wives want to reconcile, but will let them go if they find new love

Entrepreneur Datuk Seri Adnan Abu, better known as Datuk Red, is on standby in case his two ex-wives, Sharifah Nur Shafila and Adira Suhaimi, want to reconcile with him.

The 46-year-old said he will remain single as long as his two ex-wives have not found new husbands.

“As long as my ex-wives do not remarry, I will also not marry. It means I am on standby mode.”

“I am always waiting for their offer, but if they get married again, what else can I do?” he said.

He shared this in response to questions from his social media followers during a live stream promoting his products.

Adnan also mentioned that his intention to remarry is more because of wanting to have someone as he gets older.

“I am thinking of marrying to have someone to live with, take care of me when I am sick and weak in old age.

“I don’t want to burden my children or siblings. Marrying is no longer just about desire,” said Datuk Red, who is a father of 11 children from three marriages.

Adnan divorced Adira, 33, who was his second wife, on April 23 after nine years of marriage.

Their marriage produced four children, aged between seven and two.

Meanwhile, Adnan also divorced Sharifah, 38, on May 14, and their marriage produced five children.

Adnan also has two other children from a previous marriage before marrying Sharifah.

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