Show Luo’s Latest Music Video Deemed ‘Too Violent’; Weapons, Even Scissors, Blurred Out

Show Luo’s Latest Music Video Deemed ‘Too Violent’; Weapons, Even Scissors, Blurred Out

Taiwanese singer Show Luo’s music video for his latest single ‘Dancing Champion’ is quite the martial arts spectacle. But it seems some scenes have been deemed too brutal.

Just a day after its release on Jun 25, Show said he had received a notice from his agency that the music video is “too violent”.

The 44-year-old shared that after reviewing the video, the higher-ups felt the only way to make it safe for viewing was to censor all items deemed as weapons, including a pair of scissors.

While we understand their concern, don’t you think blurring out a pair of scissors was unnecessary?

Scroll down for more pictures.

Most fans weren’t too bothered by the incessant censorship and praised their idol’s latest work.

“Worthy of a martial arts movie!” gushed one netizen, while another lauded Show for putting in hours of martial arts training for the MV.

Interestingly, a quick check on YouTube showed that the uncensored version was sneakily released on Jun 28, confusing some online users.

“Can anyone explain to me why there are now two versions available?” asked a perplexed netizen.

Another felt this was all a media stunt and criticised Show for trying to create buzz for his new album which is slated to be released at the end of the month.

According to the singer, the music video tells the story of an anti-hero character played by Show who is on a path of revenge after his mentor and lover were murdered in a village raid. The fate of Show’s character is left ambiguous at the end of the video.

“The plot (for the MV) was already thought out before I recorded the song,” he shared on Instagram, adding that he envisioned it to be like a short film that connects everyone to music.

All weapons were censored in the music video for ‘Dancing Champion’. 
Was it that brutal? 
A pair of scissors? C’mon! 

The uncensored version was posted a few days later, with some saying all of this is just to create buzz for the single. 
An uncensored version was released two days after. Was it all a media stunt? 

Photos: Chinapress, Show Luo/YouTube

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