Want To Get Rid Of Durian Odour From Your Fridge Or Car? Bread Might Just Do The Trick

Want To Get Rid Of Durian Odour From Your Fridge Or Car? Bread Might Just Do The Trick

Durian season is upon us!

If you love indulging in the fruit, but are not a fan of the lingering aroma it leaves in your fridge or car, here are a couple of hacks to get rid of it.

A Malaysian netizen recently took to a Facebook group to share that humble white bread can be used to absorb odour.

“Place slices of bread over the durians and you will be rid of the smell,” advised the netizen, who learned the hack from a friend.

The post was accompanied by a picture of a car boot filled with durians, each with bread slices placed on top of them. Apparently, the bread acts as a “sponge” to absorb the odour.

He also recommended placing the stem of the durian in the air conditioning vent to deodorise the car.

Netizens were sketpical about the bread hack, with one asking, “Won’t the breadcrumbs attract cockroaches?”

Another was tickled by the pic, commenting, “I thought the durians had a fever and needed cooling pads.”

Users who had tried the hacks vouched for their effectiveness, with one declaring that durian stems are the best deodoriser.

The netizen swore by this method to combat the pungent smell from the durians. 

Photos: Sinchew

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