12-year-old nets nearly RM30,000 by doing what he loves

12-year-old nets nearly RM30,000 by doing what he loves

JERTIH: A Year Six pupil from Kampung Dengir, near here, has struck gold with his fishing hobby, earning him RM30,000 in prize money from various competitions this year.

Muhammad Alif Irfan Ahmad Numan, 12, landed his biggest catch last Thursday, winning a whopping RM20,000 after reeling in a massive 5.4-kg catfish.

“In the competition, I used a rod with homemade chicken bait prepared by my mother.

“Almost immediately, I hooked a fish,” the SK Bukit Puteri pupil told Bernama.

Muhammad Alif Irfan shared that his second biggest prize was RM5,000, which he won in a fishing competition in Setiu just a week before Hari Raya Aidiladha.

The second of four siblings said he often goes fishing with his stepfather, Mohd Farid Kadir, 32, and his mother, Nor Khaizan Hasan, 36, who also shares a passion for fishing.

Meanwhile, Nor Khaizan expressed gratitude that her son’s hobby, which began at the age of eight, now brings in extra income and contributes to the boy’s savings.

“With the RM20,000 he won last week, I bought a motorcycle for his future needs and shared some with a family member. I set aside the rest for his savings,” Nor Khaizan said.

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