BN may go solo for GE16, says Tok Mat

BN may go solo for GE16, says Tok Mat

KOTA TINGGI: Barisan Nasional might forge ahead alone in the 16th General Election (GE16), says Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.

The Umno deputy president said that the party is not bound to any coalition and is only in the unity government based on the agreement to run the country.

“Come 2027, we can ask ourselves – are we comfortable enough to contest on our own? We can try – if we don’t, we will never know.

“If we do not win, we might end up doing what we are doing right now and rely on other parties,” he said at the officiating ceremony of the Tenggara Umno meeting at Dewan Felda Sungai Sayong here on Saturday (July 13).

Mohamad added that Umno decided to be part of the current unity government to ensure that the economy recovered post-pandemic.

“There are those who say that we are going to join Pakatan Harapan. No, there is no such thing.

“If Tenggara can (win in GE16), Pengerang can and Kota Tinggi can, then ‘kita langgar’ (we contest solo),” he said.

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