“Again?”: Andy Lau Has Another Near-Miss Accident, Almost Slips Off 5m Moving Platform During Beijing Concert

“Again?”: Andy Lau Has Another Near-Miss Accident, Almost Slips Off 5m Moving Platform During Beijing Concert

Hong Kong singer Andy Lau defied the odds of getting injured again during one of his recent Beijing concerts last week.

While belting out his hit ‘Truly Forever’, the 62-year-old was seen nearly missing a step while on a circular platform that lifted him about five meters to the ceiling.

Videos posted online also heard concertgoers gasp in fear at what they just witnessed.

Thankfully, Andy quickly retreated and was seen holding on tightly to the handrails as the platform descended back to the stage.

At this point, a small part of us is starting to think it might all be an act.

Videos of the near-miss accident soon swarmed the Internet with netizens swiftly taking to the comments.

“Can someone watch over him?” read one comment while another wrote, “For God’s sake, stop moving!”

Another even chided Andy and asked him to “stop treating the stage like a film set”.

Another accident nearly happened at one of Andy Lau’s Beijing concert 
Thankfully he took a step back and held on to the handrail as the platform descended back down to the stage. 

Photos: Chinapress, 社会与法频道阎肃/Weibo

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