Japanese Host Fired For Complaining About Men With Body Odour

Japanese Host Fired For Complaining About Men With Body Odour

“I really can’t stand men who smell bad during summer or those who have body odour because they are unhygienic” were her exact words.

On Sunday (Aug 17), popular Japanese host Yuri Kawaguchi, 29, revealed on a live stream that she got fired from her job because of a social media post she had shared on Threads earlier this month.

According to Yuri, the post was about men’s hygiene. She had pointed out that some men are unable to tell that they smell bad, and that the people around them often don’t know how to call them out on it.

She then urged those men to take better care of their bodies and diet, asserting that that could help improve their condition.

“I really can’t stand men who smell bad during summer or those who have body odour because they are unhygienic,” complained Yuri.

She went on to share that she’s a clean freak who showers a few times a day and would use sweatblock wipes and deodorant.

“I hope most men can learn to do this too,” she wrote.

Yuri’s post didn’t sit well with netizens, with many accusing her of gender discrimination.

The unintended backlash eventually even cost Yuri her job, with her agency declaring in a statement that they had terminated her contract for “defaming the honour of the opposite sex.”

Yuri also shared an apology, professing: “This time, due to my careless remarks, many people were unhappy and hurt. I deeply reflect on this.”

She admitted that she was “indeed immature” for writing the post, and promised that she will work hard to not hurt anyone with her words again in the future.

“I am really sorry,” she pleaded.

Just one mindless remark and there goes her job.
Watch Yuri’s full live stream on ReHacQ-リハック below
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