Personal politics are not welcome in Umno, says Tok Mat

Personal politics are not welcome in Umno, says Tok Mat

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan has warned that there is no place in the party for personal politics.

He said Umno should be the stage for the Malay struggle and the party that will steer the future of the race.

“Whoever has personal ambition in politics must put it aside and not use Umno for their personal gains,” he said at the opening of the Umno Youth, Wanita and Puteri movement meetings on Wednesday night (Aug 21).

Mohamad reminded party members not to be selective in their loyalty, pointing out that Umno was able to administer the country for decades due to its members’ loyalty.

“There cannot be a situation where loyalty to Umno is because it is led by certain leaders.

“We are not loyal because of rewards. Neither is our loyalty because of positions.

“Our loyalty should not be seasonal or at a particular moment in time,” he said.

Mohamad said a member’s loyalty should be towards the party’s struggles in championing its causes.

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