Search for sinkhole victim poses high risks for daring scuba divers

Search for sinkhole victim poses high risks for daring scuba divers

KUALA LUMPUR: The search for sinkhole victim 48-year-old Vijayalaksmi on Saturday (Aug 24) posed high risks for the Fire and Rescue Department’s scuba unit.

Rescuers face challenges such as strong currents and tight spaces while inspecting manholes to search for the victim.

Kuala Lumpur Fire and Rescue Department deputy director Rozihan Anwar Mamat said six scuba divers have been assigned to search six manholes in the city since Saturday morning.

“Each diver will search for 20 minutes in the manholes as they face various challenges, including limited space, strong currents and hazardous air.

“The divers will go into the manholes using the buddy system consulting of two or three personnel at any one time.

“It is important as the sewage area has poisonous gas and poses a risk to the divers,” he said.

He said the department would bring divers who had completed their search to a clinic for a checkup and possible treatment.

“It must be done fast to limit the risk of the divers experiencing any health issues during the search,” he said.




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