G.E.M Didn’t Realise There Were Bugs Crawling All Over Her During Her Concert In China

G.E.M Didn’t Realise There Were Bugs Crawling All Over Her During Her Concert In China

Imagine singing your heart out in front of a sold-out crowd only to realise you had multiple bugs crawling up your body.

During her concert in Harbin, China last Saturday (July 27), Hong Kong singer G.E.M. is seen dressed in her iconic scorched wedding dress costume… only this time she was accompanied by a few creepy crawlies.

In a video posted on social media, the crowd caught wind of the tiny critters crawling up towards the 32-year-old’s neck and started chanting loudly, “There are insects!”

Another video also spotted the bugs climbing over the piano and her mic stand.

“Where are they?!” screamed G.E.M. as the audience laughed while some helpfully tried to point where the insects were.

The singer then asked if she managed to shake them off, screaming again in fear.

“You guys should have told me while I was singing,” she later told the audience before dishing out some life advice jokingly.

“You know, life is a one-way street. So you must be brave, close your eyes, and keep going forward,” G.E.M. laughed.

We are guessing no matter how brave a front she put on, she still spotted a stray bug on her piano which caused her to scream again before scurrying off the stage.

Netizens were tickled by what they saw with many praising G.E.M. on providing a cute and unrehearsed moment in her show.

Umm… At her expense?

“I know it might have been scary but did anyone tell you how cute you are trying to get away from the bugs?” wrote a netizen.

“The bugs even crawled out to support her!” read another comment.

Another also wrote, “The crowd shouting and working together to help G.E.M. get rid of the insects has got to be the funniest thing I have seen today.”

However, some took issue with her team and asked why no one came out to help her get rid of the bugs even after seeing her distressed for so long?

Also… why are there so many insects?

“There are insects!” shouted concertgoers.
Those look quite big!
The singer tried but failed multiple times to get rid of the bugs.

Photos: gemdzp._.527/TikTok, imf_502/IG

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