Civil servants have 40 days from Oct 21 to opt for SSPA

Civil servants have 40 days from Oct 21 to opt for SSPA

PUTRAJAYA: Civil servants will have an option period of 40 days from Oct 21 to Nov 30 to sign up for the new Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA) before it takes effect on Dec 1.

Those who choose not to do so will remain under the Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM).

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Public Service director-general Tan Sri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz also said the implementation of SSPA will not affect the pensions of existing permanent civil servants, and the new salary adjustments will only apply to those who opt for it.

“The implementation and details, such as salary adjustments and service management through SSPA, will begin with the Public Service Department’s (PSD) engagement sessions at all ministries and departments shortly to ensure that their human resource managers receive the necessary clarification,” he said in a statement on Friday (Sept 13).

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With the implementation of SSPA, the government hopes to empower the aspirations of public service reform by fostering loyalty among civil servants and ensuring they provide the best service to the nation and people.

The Service Circular No. 1 of 2024 (Implementation of the Public Service Remuneration System for Federal Public Service Officials) can be accessed through the portal from today. – Bernama

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