Myanmar Refugee Molested And Groped 20yo Student On Bus Trip Back To Kelantan University

RUDE! DISGUSTING! DISRESPECTFUL! There are no other words to better describe this man. It was 12.50 am on 15th October 2019, and a 20-year-old university student was on a bus trip from Kemaman to her university in Kelantan when she was suddenly groped and molested by a 28-year-old Myanmar refugee sitting next to her. Imagine sitting in a...

MALAYSIASurvey: 1 in 5 M’sian Muslim Women Believe “Disobedient Wives” Deserve to Be Beaten By Husbands

Domestic abuse is still a big problem here in Malaysia with many cases going unreported because the spouses and partners who are abused are afraid to lodge reports, among various reasons. Now, rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) recently released the results of a survey they did on Muslim women’s realities in Malaysia and had...