Police cripple job scam syndicate operating in Melaka, seven nabbed including one teen

MELAKA: Police have crippled a job scam operation (call centre) operating in a condominium in Kota Laksamana with the arrest of seven locals, including a teenager. Melaka Tengah OCPD Assistant Commissioner Christopher Patit said the syndicate was uncovered following a raid on the residential unit at 6pm on Thursday (June 6). "The Commercial Crime Investigation Division from...

Cops bust online gambling in Papar

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah police rounded up nine local men for running an online gambling call centre from a shop at Jalan Bukit Manggis Benoni, Papar. Acting from a tip-off, personnel from the state Kepayan police anti-vice gambling and secret societies division (D7) raided the premises during the operation dubbed “Op Dadu” at 8pm on Oct 3. Sabah...