Using sun bear as VMY2026 mascot a win for conservation, says expert

KOTA KINABALU: With the Malayan sun bear named the official mascot for Visit Malaysia Year 2026 (VMY2026), conservationist Dr Wong Siew Te sees the decision as a long-awaited recognition for the species he has spent decades fighting to protect. As the founder of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) — the only facility of its...

Plans in place to follow-up on coral bleaching incidents, says Fisheries Dept

PUTRAJAYA: The Fisheries Department director-general Datuk Adnan Hussain (pic) said the department is formulating several follow-up plans regarding the coral bleaching incidents that have occurred throughout this year. He said among the plans are managing local impact, threats and pressure on coral reefs through continuous reef management, identifying resilient reefs and coral species, coral restoration, and...

Sabah prioritises ‘monkeys over coal’

KOTA KINABALU: It was Sabah’s choice to prioritise "monkeys over coal," that led to the state having some of the largest permanent forest reserves in the country, says Finance Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun (pic). The former Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister said 47%, or 3,575,034.573ha, of Sabah, is preserved as permanent forest reserves. About 63% of...

Sarawak hits milestone with over one million mangrove trees planted along coastline

KUCHING: Sarawak has planted over one million mangrove trees and other suitable plants along its coastline, says the state’s Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan. He said this was part of the state government's commitment towards managing and conserving mangroves. "The planting of mangroves, covering an area of about 581 hectares, was carried out with...