Don’t go overboard in debating BlackRock issue, says Anwar

PUTRAJAYA: Any polemic related to the BlackRock issue that is linked to the Israeli regime could affect Malaysia's interests as a developing country, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Speaking at the July monthly assembly of the Prime Minister's Department here on Monday (July 1), Anwar reminded everyone not to be 'excessive' in discussing polemic...

Malaysia, Pakistan express solidarity with Gazans

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and Pakistan have expressed their continued solidarity with the people of Gaza who are affected by the atrocities committed by the Zionist Israeli regime. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim reiterated the commitment when he received a telephone call from his Pakistan counterpart Shehbaz Sharif on Monday (June 17). "I also praised Prime Minister...

World Court orders Israel to halt assault on Gaza’s Rafah

THE HAGUE: Judges at the top United Nations court ordered Israel on Friday (May 24) to halt its military assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Reading out a ruling by the International Court of Justice or World Court, the body's president, Nawaf Salam, said provisional measures ordered by the court in March did not...

World in shock as more than 100 killed while seeking aid in Gaza, overall death toll passes 30,000

CAIRO (Reuters): Gaza health authorities said Israeli forces on Feb 29 shot dead more than 100 Palestinians as they waited for an aid delivery, but Israel blamed the deaths on crowds that surrounded aid trucks, saying victims had been trampled or run over. At least 112 people were killed and more than 280 wounded in the...

Top UN court stops short of ordering ceasefire in Gaza and demands Israel contain deaths

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP): The United Nations' top court stopped short on Friday (Jan 26) of ordering a ceasefire in Gaza in a case accusing Israel of genocide in the tiny coastal enclave, but demanded that Israel try to limit deaths and damage caused by its military offensive there. South Africa brought the case, which goes...

Malaysia pledges to explore all avenues to help Palestinians, says Wisma Putra

PUTRAJAYA Malaysia has pledged to explore all available avenues to assist Palestine, end the atrocities in Gaza, and bring Israel to justice, says the Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra). This comes as Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan is set to participate in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Ministerial-Level Open Debate on the Situation in the...

McDonalds Malaysia says pursuing legal action against BDS for defamation

KUALA LUMPUR: Legal action for defamation is being pursued against Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia says McDonalds Malaysia. It said in a statement issued on Friday (Dec 29) that it has been transparent and consistent in its stance that it does not support or condone the current conflict in Gaza. "Like all Malaysians, our utmost sympathies go...

UPM pays tribute to poet killed in ongoing Gaza violence

PETALING JAYA: Universiti Putra Malaysia has paid tribute to alumni and celebrated poet Dr Refaat Alareer, who was killed in the ongoing bombing in Gaza. In a post on its official alumni Facebook page, it said that Refaat was part of its PhD program under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr Noritah Omar. UPM Alumni said he...

Palestinians in Gaza living in ‘utter, deepening horror’, says UN human rights chief

RAMALLAH: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said on Wednesday (Dec 6) that "Palestinians in Gaza are living in utter, deepening horror," as they "continue to be relentlessly bombarded by Israel and collectively punished." Speaking at a press conference ahead of Human Rights Day, Türk said that "humanitarian aid is again virtually cut off,...

Israel’s threat against WHO neither acceptable nor defensible, says Wisma Putra

PUTRAJAYA: Israel’s recent order for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to remove its supplies from a medical warehouse in southern Gaza within 24 hours as the regime continues its offensive ground operations is blatantly inhumane and violates international law, says Wisma Putra. The Foreign Ministry, in a statement Wednesday (Dec 6), said threatening a United Nations...