Tag - Pandelela Rinong

Diving: Pandelela, Nur Dhabitah removed from Road to Gold programme

PETALING JAYA: Pandelela Rinong and Nur Dhabitah Sabri are no longer part of the Road to Gold (RTG) programme. RTG coordinator Datuk Stuart Ramalingam announced on Thursday (Feb 29) after the meeting that the two senior divers have been removed from the programme for their failure to qualify for the Paris Olympics. The two divers did not...

DPM Fadillah heads Sarawak 60th anniversary honours list

KUCHING: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof heads a list of 77 recipients of medals awarded in conjunction with Sarawak's 60th independence anniversary celebration. Fadillah was one of 43 recipients of the Pingat Peringatan Cemerlang Jubli Intan (Gold) at the investiture ceremony graced by Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg here on Wednesday...