Team repairing burst pipe find human skeletal remains in oil palm estate near PD

PORT DICKSON: A group of men repairing a burst pipe found human skeletal remains at an oil palm plantation in Siliau near here. Deputy OCPD DSP Muhamad Mustafah Hussin said a police team dispatched to the area later found a skull and other bones near the other skeletal remains. "We did not find any clothes, personal documents,...

Skeletal remains found at abandoned teachers’ quarters in Membakut

KOTA KINABALU: The skeletal remains of an individual found inside a room at an abandoned teachers’ quarters in Membakut on Wednesday morning (April 17). A white wire was also found hanging from the ceiling fan, and a plastic chair that had fallen to the side was found next to the remains. Acting Beaufort OCPD Assit Supt Weddrin...

Suspect in missing Bella case leads cops to skeletal remains

BATU PAHAT: The police have found skeletal remains of a woman believed to be Mira Sharmila Samsusah, the single mother also known as Bella who was reported missing more than a month ago. Johor police chief Comm Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat said the main suspect in the case led police to the location where the human...