Ex-NSP chief Steve Chia succeeds Chiam See Tong as SPP Secretary-General

The Singapore People’s Party (SPP) has announced its picks for the top two positions.
Jose Raymond has been elected Chairman of the party, while Steve Chia will serve as the Secretary-General.
The elections took place on Nov. 5, during the first meeting of the newly formed Central Executive Committee.
The appointments was made via a Facebook post.
Post-Chiam era
It was the first such meeting without Chiam See Tong as part of the CEC.
Chiam, the veteran politician, served as the former Secretary-General, but stepped down for health reasons.
Lina Chiam, the former party Chairman, called it a “smooth transition” and thanked the party’s supporters on Chiam’s behalf.
She will continue as a member of the CEC, but otherwise will not hold a position.
Raymond, the former Singapore Environment Council executive director and press secretary to Vivian Balakrishnan, said it was an “emotional moment” as he recalled watching Chiam’s election as MP for Potong Pasir in 1984.
Chiam’s successor Chia
Chia, the former head of the National Solidarity Party (NSP), previously served as a Non-Constituency MP after performing well enough in the 2001 general election, where he ran under Chiam’s Singapore Democratic Alliance banner.
Chia said Chiam had been a “beacon” in his life, and it was his honour to take over his appointment in the party.
You can see the Facebook post and the appointments of the other CEC members below:
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