18yo Looking for Porn in the Toilet Decides to Film Schoolmate in Next Cubicle, Gets Scholarship Revoked

18yo Looking for Porn in the Toilet Decides to Film Schoolmate in Next Cubicle, Gets Scholarship Revoked

An 18-year-old boy decided to record a video of his schoolmate in the toilet while he was looking for porn on his phone.

According to The Straits Times, Brandon Mandolang Yong Fu, a student at Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), Singapore, went to the toilet at 11am on 2nd May and entered one of the cubicles.

He started looking for pornographic material on his phone but then decided to record his own ‘porn’ and positioned his phone over the partition to record his schoolmate in the next cubicle using the front camera.

Source: Yahoo News SG

Brandon recorded his 18-year-old schoolmate for two minutes and retracted the phone when the victim spotted it. The victim then waited outside the toilet for 15 minutes to confront Brandon but left when he was late for class.

At 9.15pm that night, the victim made a police report.

Brandon was arrested and charged in court on 26th November for engaging in insulting behaviour with the intent to cause alarm. He pleaded guilty to the offence and is expected to be sentenced on 24th December.

“I’ve been suspended from my school for a semester and lost my scholarship,” Brandon said. 

Source: The Straits Times

If convicted, he can be jailed up to six months and fined up to $5,000 (RM15,300).

Brandon, who had earlier been listed as a student leader on the NYP website and is also a scholarship recipient, has been suspended from school for one semester and has lost his scholarship. He has also been removed from the executive committee position of his co-curricular activities.

District Judge, Seah Chi-Ling, said that Brandon had regretted his actions and has called for a report to assess his suitability for probation.


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