Health DG: Current Supply Of PPE Can Only Last Frontliners Two More Weeks, MOH Needs Donations
If there’s any way you can help, now is the time to do so.

It’s recently been announced by Health director-general, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, that the existing supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) used by frontline personnel is depleting at a worryingly fast rate and our medical workers currently only have enough protective gear to last another two weeks.
“The use of PPE has risen by two to 10 times more than the normal use, ” said the Health director-general during his daily Covid-19 live stream update yesterday (13th April), as recorded by the Star.
While Dr Noor Hisham assured the public that the country had enough ventilators to support the expected influx of patients, they are now experiencing a dangerous shortage in protective equipment as these are used by our frontliners on a daily basis. As the situation is quite crucial at the moment, the Health DG urged NGO’s to donate for our medical staff in need: “We have enough ventilators, there are 956 units, and there is no need for more ventilators. But not so with the PPE, if NGOs want to donate, please donate PPE to us (ministry). We are still welcoming PPE donations.”

The nation’s supply of PPE is usually monitored through the Health Ministry’s system that can look into the supply of protective gear across all states and hospitals throughout the country.
“What is important is that we have to continue to procure the PPE. So far, we have enough to last for at least another two weeks, ” said the Health DG while adding that PPE can be acquired in bulk by central procurement at the state level or donations from NGOs. While the ministry will continue procuring more supply of PPE to be distributed across each state, the fact remains that there is a shortage in our existing supply and donations are definitely needed to support our frontliners.
If you’re familiar with an NGO who can help the Health Ministry with this issue, do alert them of the situation. We need everybody working together to help our frontliners!
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