‘Jay Chou Fan’ Pointed Laser At JJ Lin’s Eye During Concert To “Blind Him”
At JJ Lin‘s concert in Shanghai this past weekend (Aug 19), the Singaporean singer fell victim to what can only be called an extremely childish and hateful act.
The singer was midway through a song when an audience member pointed a laser directly into JJ’s left eye. JJ immediately lowered his head to avoid the laser.
The incident played out on the concert’s large screens, and was later captured on video.
JJ’s eye apparently turned red and slightly swollen, likely caused by the laser.

After the concert, a forum post written by a self-proclaimed Jay Chou fan prior to the show swiftly made it rounds on social media.
According to the alleged perpetrator, they intentionally got front-row seats to JJ’s gig, and planned to bring a laser pen into the venue.
“I hope to make JJ Lin go blind,” they wrote.
While many fans of JJ were furious at the ‘Jay Chou fan’, others suspected that the perpetrator was pretending to be a fan of Jay so as to incite conflict between JJ and Jay fans.
The identity of the audience member behind the terrible act has yet to be confirmed as of press time.
Remember how we were told as kids to never shine laser pens into anyone’s eyes? Well that’s because any laser stronger than five milliwatts can cause permanent damage to one’s eyes in less than 10 seconds.
Here’s hoping JJ is recovering well from the hateful act, which was totally uncalled for.

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