Real or not? Taiwanese YouTuber Maze Lin claims her shorts were confiscated by Singapore police for being too skimpy

Real or not? Taiwanese YouTuber Maze Lin claims her shorts were confiscated by Singapore police for being too skimpy

Taiwanese YouTuber-DJ Maze Lin reportedly attracted the wrong attention with a bold fashion statement when she was in Singapore once.

The 33-year-old, also known as Qiang Qiang, appeared on a recent episode of Taiwanese variety show Queen and shared that she used to own a pair of shorts around 10 years ago so skimpy they looked like underwear and were “very low-cut at the top”.

However, Maze claimed that she was no longer in possession of them after being approached by the police in Singapore some years ago when she wore them to a nightclub.

She initially thought they would compliment her but instead they allegedly told her she was being “indecent”.

“Then they confiscated my shorts as evidence and sealed them away in a bag,” she claimed, adding that she couldn’t “bring them back to Taiwan forever”.

She added that she was fond of the pair — denim shorts with a gold chain attached —  and added that they were “very popular at the time”, pairing well with fishnet stockings.

“That was the first time I was ever caught by the police,” she added.

Maze has been unable to find a similar pair of shorts since and has accepted that they’re gone forever.

The Singapore penal code states that “a person is guilty of a public nuisance” if they do something “which causes any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public, or to the people in general who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity, or which must necessarily cause injury, obstruction, danger or annoyance to persons who may have occasion to use any public right”.


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