Taiwanese actor Cookie Feng collapses from heat stroke after trying to cut costs on air conditioning

Taiwanese actor Cookie Feng collapses from heat stroke after trying to cut costs on air conditioning

Taiwanese actor Hsuan Feng, better known as Cookie Feng, recently revealed that he fainted from heat stroke after trying to save money by not using the air conditioner.

In a recent interview, Feng said his apartment would get really hot during the summer as it’s located on the top floor.

One day, the 30-year-old decided to skip using the air conditioner as he was planning to leave his house in 30 minutes time.

However, the rising temperatures quickly took a toll on him. He felt his vision blur and subsequently passed out in his chair.

“I had just finished my military service and thought I could handle the heat.

“Then while (watching) a show, I felt like the TV was getting blurry.

“However, I thought there was something wrong with the TV,” he recalled on the talk show, Hello Doctor.

Feng added that he most likely fainted as he had forgotten to open the windows, causing the temperature in his room to rise and become “like a sauna”.

Fortunately, the actor wasn’t wearing a shirt, and his parents quickly cooled down his body by applying rubbing alcohol.

Feng was then rushed to the hospital, where he was treated with an IV drip.

With rising global temperatures, health experts have warned of the fatal risks of heat strokes.

In an interview with Bernama, Datuk Dr Zainal Ariffin Omar said a person can faint in the early stages of a heat stroke.

He added that some can also lose consciousness and fall into a coma, especially those with comorbidities.

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