National Day prayers reinforce Sabah’s reputation of cultural and religious tolerance, says Liew

National Day prayers reinforce Sabah’s reputation of cultural and religious tolerance, says Liew

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah’s reputation as a state with high cultural and religious tolerance is being further strengthened by the ongoing Doa Sayangi Malaysia programme being held in conjunction with National Day celebrations.

Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew said that the programme indirectly guarantees and reinforces harmony and develops a trust for outsiders to come to Sabah and further help to further improve the state’s economy.

“As the minister responsible for tourism, culture and environment affairs in Sabah, I support the organisation of programmes like this to be held and continue in the future.

“This is the fifth time it has been organised since it started in 2020. Regardless of our beliefs, I’m sure everyone here and out there also prays for the best for our beloved country,” she said when launching the programme at Sri Pasupathinath Alayam temple hall in Bukit Padang here.

The text of her speech was delivered by the Senior Assistant Secretary of the Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry Murad Abdul Rashid.

Liew said there were four associations – Malaysia Hindu Sangam (MHS), Sabah Kinabalu Singh Sabha Association, Sabah Chinese Association and Sabah Christian Bumiputera Association – that participate in the programme annually.

“The willingness of all parties to participate equally in the programme of praying for Malaysia is a very meaningful thing for us because the non-Muslim community is also given the space and opportunity to express prayers for this country that we love so much.

“I believe that the programme is an overview of the guarantee of religious freedom and tolerance in the state of Sabah,” she said

Liew also called on everyone to continue praying together for the peace, well-being, progress and prosperity of Malaysia and she hopes that programmes like this will continue in the future.

The programme has been held since 2020 by the Sabah State Cultural Board in collaboration with Malaysia Hindu Sangam (MHS), Sabah Kinabalu Singh Sabha Association, Sabah Chinese Association and Sabah Christian Bumiputera Association as an annual event in conjunction with National Day.

The associations involved will pray for Malaysia in general and Sabah in particular so that all levels of society can enjoy the meaning of harmony in diversity and be blessed with unity, tolerance and love to further strengthen relations between races.

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