Will MCO Be Extended? Decision To Be Made On April 10th, Says Health D-G

Will MCO Be Extended? Decision To Be Made On April 10th, Says Health D-G

As we enter the second phase of the Movement Control Order that was enforced by the government on 18th March 2020, most of us stuck at home would probably be wondering either one of two things: will we be able to leave the house after 14th April 2020, and whether the current MCO, which has been extended once, would be extended again?

Well, according to a Tweet from the Ministry of Health and the Health Director-General himself, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, that would depend entirely on the results of the second phase of the MCO, and how well Malaysians have been able to abide by the order’s newly gazetted regulations.

While there have been early indications that all our efforts have managed to do some good in flattening the curve, the Health Ministry finds that it is still too early to come to a conclusion as to whether the battle is won or not.

During his press conference yesterday, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said that:

“In the second phase of the Movement Control Order, we will determine the effectiveness of the new regulations on the 10th day and make a decision as to whether it needs to be extended or not.”

As of yesterday (2nd April 2020), Malaysia has recorded over 3,116 cases of Covid-19, and 50 deaths.

So if you don’t want the MCO to be extended any further, listen to the authorities and stay at home! Hopefully with our banded efforts, we will be able to beat this virus together! 

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