HyunA Shares Proof That She Gained Weight

HyunA Shares Proof That She Gained Weight

It’s been a concern of fans’ for a long time.

HyunA has been in the center of a lot of controversy lately. Many of her former fans decided to leave the fandom after it was revealed she’s dating Yong Jun Hyung, who is infamously connected to the notorious “Burning Sun” sex scandal. In the wake of this news, she lost a lot of followers on social media and earned herself a wave of new anti-fans and people disappointed in her, feeling betrayed by someone who was often considered a “feminist icon” date someone like Jun Hyung.


When she had her recent comeback with Attitude and also announced she would be going on tour in North America in August, the resulting reactions were lukewarm at best from many, and just outright boycotting from others. Despite how many former fans no longer support HyunA, though, she has still kept a fair number of loyal fans through the ongoing controversy, and recently, proof that she has gained weight has been met with happiness by many.

Cube Entertainment

HyunA has always been on the skinny side, even by K-Pop idol standards. In fact, she recently revealed that at one point she was just 40kg (about 88lbs), which, at her reported height of 164cm (5’4.5″), gave her a BMI of just 15, which is medically considered very underweight. She has also voiced her struggles with eating disorders and extreme dieting, and even suffered from multiple fainting spells a day due to her limited diet.


That’s why, when she recently shared a post on her personal Instagram account showing her weight to be 46.6kg (about 103lbs), her fans rejoiced at what seems to be a considerable weight gain.


While a weight of 46.6kg is still medically considered underweight at her height, it’s a huge improvement compared to how little she weighed in the past.

Some people misunderstood her post as a “flex” for how little she weighs, but fans explained in the comments that HyunA had made them a promise to try and gain weight, and she’s celebrating her accomplishment.


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We hope that HyunA continues to maintain healthier habits in the future!


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