Japan’s “Most Frugal Woman”, 39, Spends S$1.80 A Day On Food, Owns 3 Houses & A Cat Cafe

Japan’s “Most Frugal Woman”, 39, Spends S$1.80 A Day On Food, Owns 3 Houses & A Cat Cafe

For those who have never thought much about saving money, perhaps this story would serve as motivation to start.

Saki Tamogami, 39, is now known as Japan’s “Most Frugal Woman” after achieving her goal of buying three houses in less than 15 years.

Saki was just 19 when she decided that she wanted to own three houses by the age of 34.

She immediately put the plan into action, and her wish was fulfilled, but not without some sacrifices on her part.

In 2019, Saki appeared on a Japanese TV show, which documented her extremely frugal habits. She revealed she spends only 200 yen (S$1.80) a day on food, and cooks all of her meals at home, which mainly include toast, udon noodles, and discounted radishes.

She generally spends less than 50 yen (S$0.45) on each meal, and every so often, would only add jam to her bread or a piece of salmon to her rice as a treat to herself.

On top of that, Saki also said she did not buy any extra tableware, instead only eating directly from her pot to save on the cost of dishwashing liquid and bowls.

Saki worked in real estate after graduating from university and saved the majority of her salary.

She was happy to see her savings grow and she lives by the motto: “Never buy anything without a discount”.

She now has an impressive property portfolio

Saki never splurged on clothes and furniture. According to her, she rarely goes shopping, and usually wears hand-me-downs from family and friends.

Even her furniture, like her tables, refrigerator, and beds, are second-hand.

She also sells her hair, which she never dyes or perms, for around 3100 yen (S$28) whenever it grows long enough.

She fastidiously records all her living expenses, even the smallest expenditures, so she would have a record of where all her money goes.

Saki was able to buy her first house, located in Saitama, Tokyo, for 10mil yen (S$90K) at 27. Two years later, she bought a second house at 18mil yen (S$162K).

She eventually reached her goal in 2019 and before her 35th birthday when she bought her third house for 37mil yen (S$334K).

Saki revealed that she decided to live such a disciplined and thrifty life as she wishes to rescue stray cats.

She was ultimately able to fulfil her dream, and now runs a cat cafe, Cafe Yuunagi, on the ground floor of her third house. She provides shelter to many strays and is able to provide for the cats with the profits from the cafe.

She admits that the cat cafe isn’t exactly a profitable business. However, she has a steady income from the rent she collects from her other  properties, and is looking to expand her property portfolio.

Saki still works in real estate and is still living frugally too.

“It is important to spend your money and energy on the things you love,” she said.

Netizens have expressed their admiration for Saki’s discipline, with many agreeing that what she achieved is no small feat.

And she’s given these adorable cats a safe home

Photos: annneme.net, dimsumdaily.hk, hogonekoyuunagi/ Instagram

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