KL sinkhole: Search for victim to continue, says Dang Wangi OCPD

KL sinkhole: Search for victim to continue, says Dang Wangi OCPD

KUALA LUMPUR: The search for missing 48-year-old Indian national Vijayalakshmi will go on, says Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Sulizmie Affendy Sulaiman.

He said on Thursday (Aug 29) that the decision was made following a meeting between Federal Territories Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa, the police, Fire and Rescue Department and other relevant agencies to discuss developments on the search and rescue (SAR) efforts.

“The agencies involved in the operation had briefed the minister on all the efforts that were taken to find the victim.

It was then decided by the minister that the search for the missing victim will continue. Rescuers are in high spirits to move on with the search. Let us pray she will be found,” he told a press conference at the scene.

Meanwhile, Fire and Rescue Department director-general Datuk Nor Hisham Mohammad said that obstruction caused by debris in the sewer line between the sinkhole and a nearby building known as Wisma Yakin is hindering SAR work.

He said from images taken from a trawl camera, the debris consisted of large objects as well as kitchen refuse such as bottles and solidified oils and added that work to clear the blockage is ongoing.

Asked if there are any clues of the victim’s presence such as the odours given off by a decomposing body, Nor Hishamsaid rescuers were unable to identify any such odour due to the stench from the sewer line.

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