JUST IN: Army Will Be Brought In To Help Enforce Movement Control Order This Sunday

In the latest update from the Malaysian federal government, it has been reported by Free Malaysia Today and Malaysian Insight that a decision has been made to mobilise the army in order to help further enforce the current Movement Control Order that was set in place on 18th March 2020. Source: Malay Mail “We’re confident that with help from the army...

Sungai Petani Man Who Refused To Follow MCO Is Now Under Arrest, Authorities Urge Everyone To Cooperate

The authorities have begun to put their words into action as the police had arrested a man for not adhering to the Movement Control Order (MCO) on the 19th of March 2020. Prior to enforcement by law, the authorities were urging everyone to just stay at home during the span of MCO. However, now the...

M’sian & 31 Others Diagnosed For Covid-19 In Singapore, Total Now at 345 Cases

As of today, there are a total of 24 imported new cases and 8 local new cases of Covid-19 in the island nation, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Health in Singapore, totalling 345 cases. According to a tweet by their MOH, one of the imported cases is a Malaysian man, aged 25, who has...

MMA: Malaysian Hospitals Will Be Overwhelmed By Patients If People Don’t Obey MCO

As many now know, authorities are coming down hard on Malaysians who aren’t taking the Movement Control Order (MCO) seriously. Aside from deploying PDRM task forces and possibly the army to enforce strict measures for the public to comply, medical experts have also come forward to share why the public needs to follow this Order...

Tun M Now Under Self-Quarantine After Possible Exposure to Covid-19 From Infected MP

In reports from The Star, Free Malaysia Today and New Straits Times, it has been revealed that former-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has put himself under a two-week self-quarantine period after it was found that he had been in close contact with a Minister of Parliament that tested positive for Covid-19. Source: New Straits Times This quarantine period was necessitated...

M’sia: Streets & Popular Places Become Ghost Towns As Country Goes Into Restricted Movement

You know you watch all the end-of-the-world movies and the last thing you’d think about is having it happen to you? Well something is happening, right here, right now, and it’s kinda looking pretty end-of-the-world like. Source: ABC News Since the government’s initiative to put the country under a Restricted Movement order, it would seem that for...

M’sians Still Going Out To Restaurants To Eat Despite Rising Risk of Spreading Covid-19 Infection

As the Movement Control Order is officially enforced today, many businesses have shuttered their doors and Malaysians all across the nation are advised to stay home unless it is absolutely neessary for them to go out. Unfortunately, the severity of why the Movement Control Order was enforced seems to have been ignored by some people entirely, according...

HR Ministry: M’sian Workers On Quarantine Are Entitled To Sick Leave

The Human Resource Ministry has recently come forward to clarify how Malaysian workers are to be treated by their employers should they receive instruction to quarantine because of Covid-19. Source: Straits Times According to the Star, the Ministry said that “employers have to provide paid sick leave or hospitalisation leave during the entire treatment period for patients with Covid-19 symptoms”....

Want To Go Jogging In The Park? You’re Not Allowed To, According To Minister of Youth & Sports

For most of us affected by the movement control, it’s probably a big question as to whether we are allowed to leave home or not. And if we are allowed to leave home, which places are we allowed to go, and what activities are we allowed to do until the Movement Control Order is lifted?...

IGP: Interstate Travelling Ban NOT Lifted, Only Special Permits Granted Under Certain Circumstances

After the interstate travel ban was announced, the police stated that those who want to travel across states would have to acquire special permission that’s approved by the police station before travelling. Following the announcement, many Malaysians had rushed to their nearest police station to get the interstate travel permits. According to the Star, Malaysians were forming...