“Shoot them dead”, says Philippine President To Those Who Violate Lockdown Orders

With more Covid-19 cases overwhelming nations daily, some country leaders have resorted to dire circumstances to instill compliance amongst citizens. Source: SCMP Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, recently warned violators of the coronavirus lockdown that they could be shot if they cause trouble, reported The Star. During his televised address to the public, President Duterte stressed that it was vital...

Six-Week-Old Baby May Be Youngest Patient To Die Of Covid-19

The Covid-19 virus spread is becoming so deadly that it has taken it’s youngest life so far. A six-week-old baby in the Connecticut, United States has officially become the youngest person to die of the coronavirus. Connecticut Governor, Ned Lamont confirmed that the infant was “brought unresponsive to a hospital late last week and could not...

US Is Firing Doctors And Nurses If They Speak The Truth Behind America’s Medical Situation

If you were shocked about USA toppling China as the global leading country for coronavirus cases, you might want to sit down for this one. Source: The Star Online US hospitals are now threatening to fire health-care workers who publicise their working conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic-and some cases, they already have! “Hospitals are muzzling nurses and other...

UN Predicts Global Food Shortage & Spike In Prices For The Months Of April & May

As the aftereffects of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect one and all, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) predicts a food shortage globally in the months of April till May because of a depletion in resources. According to an article by the South China Morning Post, international agencies and food experts state that the...

Nurse Gets Assaulted & Bitten On Face by Covid-19 Patient Who Refused Treatment

In this time of world crisis, our true heroes are the frontliners who are risking their lives to care for Covid-19 patients. Without them, there’s no way these patients are able to survive this disease. And while most of us are staying home to help our doctors and nurses, there are some infected patients out...

JUST IN: Britain’s Prince Charles Positive For Covid-19 Coronavirus

According to The Sun and iTV News, Britain’s Prince Charles, son to Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, has tested positive for the Covid-19 coronavirus. In a statement from Clarence House, the future king of the British monarchy has displayed mild symptoms of the virus, and tested positive. Source: The Sun “He has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains...

China’s Covid-19 Post-Mortem Reports Show That Virus Can Stay In Lungs Despite Death

There’s a very important reason as to why medical experts will not let you bury your deceased loved ones and carry out a proper funeral for them. It’s because the Covid-19 virus can still survive inside the lungs of the deceased patients. Chinese researchers conducted a post-mortem on 29 Covid-19 patients and found that the virus remained...

Italy’s Covid-19 Death Toll Sharply Rises Again By 743 In A Single Day, Total Deaths Now 6,820

While initial reports have suggested yesterday that the death toll in Italy from Covid-19 had begun to decrease over the weekend, reports coming out from the worst hit nation in Europe from Tuesday (24th March 2020) have indicated that the death toll has once again risen sharply, according to Reuters and Al Jazeera News. Source: Daily Mail Despite indications that...

Man From China Suddenly Dies After Getting Infected With Hantavirus Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak

Now that the Covid-19 outbreak in China is coming to a slow, citizens are returning back to their normal life while businesses begin to open again. However, another virus has surfaced and killed a man on Tuesday (24th March). According to New Straits Times, the migrant worker from southwestern Yunnan province died after contracting a virus called...

China Reports 78 New Covid-19 Cases, Warning Of Potential Second Wave

China has gone from being the Covid-19 place of origin, the first country to be locked down due to the virus, to becoming one of the biggest comeback stories by completely curbing the coronavirus spread and allowing its people to return to their normal lives. But unfortunately, 78 new cases in their country have been reported, reminding us...