Tag - workout

Water exercises help trim waistlines

Regular exercise in the water – such as aqua Zumba, yoga or aerobics – trims waistlines, research suggests. Experts found sticking to a water-based exercise plan for around 12 weeks or more helped reduce waistlines and aided weight loss, particularly among those over 45 years of age and women. Researchers found aqua aerobics, aqua Zumba, aqua yoga...

This Korean Couple, Who Are In Their 50s & 60s, Shows You’re Never Too Old To Get Fit

We mean it when we say we want to grow old like them. Ageing may seem scary for many people but this Insta-famous Korean married couple make us feel a little less fearful about growing old. Known only by their social media handle @okdong_fit, the husband is 61 and his wife, 56. But they have super fit bodies belonging to people far...