Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: STILL Feuding With Will & Kate (For This Bizarre Reason)
These are tough times for members of the British Royal Family.
Now, if you hit the lights every time you hear footsteps in the hall because you’re three weeks behind on your rent, you might be feeling that “tough times” is a relative term — and you would be right — but hear us out:
For starters, each day seems to bring new evidence that Prince Andrew was pedo pals with the late (or is he?!) Jeffrey Epstein.
On top of that, today marks the 72nd anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s wedding to Prince Andrew — and the two of them spent the day more than 100 miles apart (he at Sandringham, she in London).
And is if that weren’t enough, a new season of The Crown just hit Netflix and as usual, the show has rekindled interest in a whole bunch of decades-old feuds and scandals that the royals would probably prefer to forget about.
With all that going on, it’s easy to see why Buckingham Palace was eager to push the narrative that the feud between the Sussexes and the Cambridges had finally been settled.

Unfortunately, it seems the royal beef is still going strong — and some new information has leaked regarding the cause of the rift.
While it’s true that it all started when William warned Harry against proposing to Meghan, it seems the Sussexes have mostly gotten over that slight.
These days, however, there’s another issue in play.
As the Queen inches ever nearer to the big 1-0-0, and Prince Charles continues to resemble Mick Jagger’s Dorian Gray portrait, Prince William’s future as King of England is apparently very much on his mind.
And it seems he’s annoying the hell out of everyone around him by getting a headstart on his kingly behavior.
“William is the future King. There is going to be some competitiveness between him and Harry,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine (generally a pretty reliable source on these matters).
“That already puts a rock in the relationship.”
And how might one go about prematurely acting like a king?
We assume it involves a lot of giant turkey legs and goblets of mead.
Perhaps Will has hired a broke college student to act as his fool.
Maybe he’s even spent some time browsing for guillotines on Amazon.
Frankly, we have no idea.
But it’s not hard to see how any increase in arrogance and pomposity might be irksome to the more humanitarian-minded Sussexes.
Last month a documentary about Meghan and Harry’s trip to Africa made its television debut, and Will was apparently put off by the couple’s complaints about the strictures of royal life.
(Makes sense that a guy who’s very much looking forward to taking a seat on the throne would be keen to preserve the reputation of the royal family.)
These are the latest causes of bad blood, but those who know the couples best say they’ve been steadily growing apart for years now,

“After the death of their mother, Princess Diana, in 1997, the two brothers were thrown together by the tragedy of their childhood,” says longtime royal historian Robert Lacey.
“But it’s inevitable, as they grow up and develop different personalities, that synchronicity won’t apply anymore.”
And insiders say a sort of civil detente is the most anyone can expect from the Cambridges and the Sussexes.
“They’re going to have to try to figure out how to be civil, but they are on different paths now,” the source adds. “It’s just the reality of the situation.”
Fortunately, pissing off the king doesn’t carry quite the same consequences that it used to.
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