Sammi Cheng hospitalised after 2 weeks of extreme pain

Sammi Cheng hospitalised after 2 weeks of extreme pain

The stomach cramps were so intense and the pain so excruciating that Sammi Cheng spent two weeks sleeping in an upright position to avoid puking.

Unable to withstand the pain, the 47-year-old Hong Kong singer decided to seek medical treatment and get an endoscopy.

In an Instagram post yesterday (Nov 28), Sammi revealed the results of the endoscopy and said that she had acid reflux, which caused an inflammation of her stomach.

The Cantopop queen uploaded selfies which were taken at the hospital and wrote: “No worry. Here’s what happened. My stomach has been feeling uncomfortable and twice I experienced incredibly painful stomach cramps. The past two weeks, I even had to sleep in an upright position to avoid feeling nauseous.

“I finally couldn’t take it and couldn’t run from it anymore, and I went to the hospital for an endoscopy.”

Sammi also said that the cramps made her stomach feel as if someone was wringing it out to dry and it felt like it was being twisted and squeezed.

However, after the treatment, she’s on the road to recovery.

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No worry。 是這樣的,由於持續了一段時間胃部不適,中間經歷了兩次非常痛苦的胃抽筋。這兩星期,睡覺的姿勢甚至要「整夜坐著睡」才覺得不會想吐,終於頂不順,不能逃避,入院照胃鏡。檢查後知道原來是胃酸倒流,胃亦有發炎。胃抽筋時,整個胃好像一條被人「扭吓扭吓」的毛巾,左扭右擠,然後再用通渠水「乸」。? 現在檢查了,吃藥中。胃酸倒流很多人都試過啊! 檢查完,就急不及待出院了。 年紀越大,越覺得健康無價。也打算三年後的50歲時去打一枝預防「生蛇」的疫針。目睹媽媽前陣子被「?」進攻,好辛苦。現在,她沒事了。但又輪到我自己不舒服,不過,努力克服每次經歷,這就是人生,悲歡離合,生老病死,高低順逆,每個人生階段都會有不同的人生功課,因為「我們都是這樣長大的」。 #由於免症力低迷所以嘴唇又再生疱疹 #謝謝醫院的姑娘悉心照顧 #謝謝Doctor #一出院就想吃薯片? #沒有大問題大家不用擔心 #誰有試過胃酸倒流或者為抽筋可以在這裏分享一下 #照片面青靑是因為沒有化妝而已? #照胃鏡原來要換上紙底褲而且有點半透明状?

A post shared by Sammi Cheng Sau Man (@sammi_chengsauman) on

But this incident has made Sammi realise how priceless one’s health is.

The actress wrote: “As you get older, the more you realise how priceless your health is. In three years’ time, when I’m 50, I intend to get the vaccination for shingles. I witnessed my mum’s recent struggle with shingles and it was really difficult. She’s fine now, but it’s my turn to feel unwell.

“But, I’ll try my best to overcome every obstacle because that’s life. We have our joys and sorrows, we grow old and fall ill…”

Referencing her new song, We Grew This Way, Sammi added: “We have different lessons to learn at different stages of our lives because this is how we grow up.”

Well, we’re glad to see that Sammi is making a recovery because you never know when a minor health scare might just take a turn for the worse.

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