Aging Process is a Nightmare | 10 Easy Steps to Make You Feel and Look Younger.

Aging Process is a Nightmare | 10 Easy Steps to Make You Feel and Look Younger.

We can’t stop the aging process, but we can still look young if we work hard to slow down the aging process with these 10 easy steps.

Step 01 – Detox

Start detoxification is important, getting rid of toxins from our body. Metabolism of our body has done that process, but we still exposed to so many chemical hazards from air, food, and environment. The best way to detoxify our body is through fasting or consuming fruits & vegetables.

Step 02 – Sleep

At least 6-8 hours of sleep in a day will make our skin healthier. It renews the old cell of our body, and the growth hormone is working during sleep time. Our skin will look fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Step 03 – Choice of Food

Eating healthy will make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Eat more fish instead of red meat. Foods that are important for us to consume are fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements. Try to cut down the intake of coffee and other beverages that contained caffeine.

Step 04 – Exercise

We will feel happier, energetic and confident after routine exercise. It can increase our bone density and muscle which allows our body to look 15-20 years younger.

Step 05 – Relax

Our face will look younger when you try to be relaxed because stress and worries will appear on our faces. If we are able to manage stress and feel at peace, our look will be younger and attractive.

Step 06 – Stay positive

A positive mind can bring a positive life to us. Negative thoughts will only bring failure and make us look much older and unattractive. Meditation is one of the ways to create positive thinking.

Step 07 – Medical check-up

Our body needs attention and care so that it can work well every day. Just like a car need maintenance service. Routine medical checkups can help to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

Step 08 – Active life

Try to be active in your life. Step outside of your house and spend your weekends going on a trip or join a workout session.

Step 09 – Social life

To increase our spirit, bring a peaceful mind through a happy social life, and make us feel and look younger. Communication with friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can bring happiness to us.

Step 10 – Performance

Start to look at yourself, the performance of you. Is your body weight ideal for you? If not, join a gym to achieve your best ideal weight. As well as, look to the skin, hair, nail, and teeth. These are important as they will show your age. When you look good and feel good, it will increase your performance.

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