Chilam Cheung, Chrissie Chau Find New Sparks in “All’s Well, Ends Well 2020”

Chilam Cheung, Chrissie Chau Find New Sparks in “All’s Well, Ends Well 2020”

Starring in the upcoming Lunar New Year comedy All’s Well, Ends Well 2020 <家有囍事2020> Chilam Cheung (張智霖) and Chrissie Chau (周秀娜) will be stepping outside of their comfort zone and portray con artistes in the movie. In a recent interview, Chilam and Chrissie share what it was like working on the movie and what they see themselves doing in the next ten years.

During the filming of All’s Well, Ends Well 2020, Chrissie noticed a different side of Chilam. She said, “In past when I watched his dramas, I thought he was so a gentleman. Now, I realize that he is like a kidult who loves to play and able to see things through a refreshing perspective. This is probably what helps in maintaining his youthfulness.”

Thoroughly enjoying the lively atmosphere on the film set, Chilam said, “Whether it’s the script of the filming process, it was very refreshing for me. We often laughed and discussed our acting approaches on set. The atmosphere was very relaxed and I felt very happy going to work.” He hopes that this movie will bring families together and add joy during the Lunar New Year holiday.

Entering the industry in 2009, Chrissie quickly became a popular model before transitioning to film. She shared, “When I first entered the industry, I didn’t know how my future would look. I just knew I had to work really hard. Luckily, I encountered some very good works and people could see a different side of me.”

Keeping a good balance between work and family life has always been important for Chilam. He wants to enjoy what life has to offer and take more vacations with his extended family this year.

Ten Years Later

Ten years from now, the 48 year old isn’t sure if he will still be an actor. Chilam said, “After another ten years, my son Morton will be an adult and won’t need me by his side. Maybe I may not be an actor anymore. At that time, I hope I can truly find myself and enjoy my own life. I wouldn’t regret the passage of my youth over time, but I will use it to understand what type of person I really am.”

As for Chrissie, she hopes to get married and have her children within ten years. She would like to eventually have a business outside the entertainment industry. “As an actress, there are few things within my control. I can’t control the quality of the script, who the director or cast are. Ten years from now, I hope to have my own work which is completely under my own control. That would be most ideal.”

Source: Cosmopolitan HK


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