Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shares His 10 Parenting Criteria In Handling Twins
In his recent post on Instagram, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor shared with his followers a few basic things that parents take note on how to raise twins.
“A lot of people have been asking me for tips on having twins. But the main question is, ‘Do you really have what it takes to take care of them?’” questioned the National Astronaut.

Without further ado, here are Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar’s 10 criteria that moms and dads out there might find helpful:
1. Both parents need to play an active role.
2. Both parents should have high level of patience.
3. The kids come first more than anything.
4. You will be sleep deprived most of the time.

5. You need to have loads of energy when taking care of them.
6. Parents need to plan things ahead; even for the smallest things.
7. You need to be alert at all times.
8. Handling twins may cost a lot of money so it is encouraged for everyone to make some savings.
9. You need to be physically and mentally strong.
10. Last but not least, the most important criteria is simply to love your kids unconditionally.
“The twins are surely adorable and cute to look at. But only God knows how much effort, time and energy are needed on raising them,” the father-of-five shared in the caption, before adding, “Double the trouble but double the joy too. And it’s totally worth it, Alhamdulillah.”
As many of you known, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar and wife, Dr. Halina Mohd Yunos are currently expecting their second set of twins.
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