Sign Mia Khalifa’s Petition To Remove Her Porn Videos & She Might Invite You To Her Party

Sign Mia Khalifa’s Petition To Remove Her Porn Videos & She Might Invite You To Her Party

Mia Khalifa and her fans recently launched a petition to have her adult films removed from porn sites.

I just want B*angbros to stop actively putting me in harm’s way by promoting my 6-year-old videos like they’re new, making millions of people think I’m still active,” the social media personality explained.

Source: Facebook

The petition reads:

The now 27-year-old Mia Khalifa appeared in the porn industry for a short span of 3 months in 2014 at the then age of 21. She was only paid $12k from the millions of dollars that Pornhub and BangBros make off her videos.

The infamous hijab video has collected ISIS death threats that have targeted Mia from the video’s release in 2014 to today. Mia attends therapy on a consistent basis for trauma, emotional distress, and consequences of bullying.

Mia and her team have provided countless financial offers to the current owners of her domain name and pornographic videos to no avail. Big corporations are not giving Mia Khalifa a fair chance to demand her content in court due to financial advantage.

We are demanding her domain names be returned, her videos be removed and fairly discussed in court without putting Mia Khalifa into deep financial ruin. Mia has stated her regret for her decisions in the porn industry multiple times.”

As at time of writing (Wednesday, 1st July), the Justice For Mia Khalifa petition has garnered 1.52 million signatures – which is slightly more than 50% of its target.

The TikTok star has been thanking her fans profusely and even offered to invite her supporters to her party. Judging from the increasing signatures, it looks like she’s going to need a large venue.

Source: LadBible.

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