Jenelle Evans to Fans: Give Me Money to Make TikTok Videos!
Jenelle Evans is getting desperate, y’all.
The former Teen Mom 2 star has been unemployed for over a year; she’s supporting three kids and a deadbeat husband, and to make matters worse, now she now has tax trouble, too.

Despite all of this, it seems Evans still has absolutely zero interest in getting a real job.
Instead, she’s attempting various hustles and schemes.
It seems highly unlikely that any of them will yield sufficient funds to get Jenelle out of trouble with the IRS, but to be fair, her options are limited.
After all, what employer in their right mind would show even the slightest interest in a violent bigot like Jenelle?

Anyway, Evans’ makeup company has already tanked — yet again — which means that these days she’s devoting most of her time and attention to an even more ill-conceived business venture.
We’re talking, of course, about Jenelle’s World.
If you follow her on any social media platform, then you’ve no doubt witnessed Jenelle’s attempts at promoting her new subscription-based website.

For a monthly fee, fans can access “exclusive content” from Evans, and if they’re willing to shell out 75 bucks for “Bestie” status, Jenelle will chat with them in a one-on-one on Skype call.
Of course, we wouldn’t hold out much hope for those benefits.
Already, Jenelle is being accused of ripping fans off with her site, as she’s uploaded almost nothing in the way of original content.

The perception that Evans is conning her few remaining fans out of their hard-earned cash probably won’t be helped by the fact that she’s now using the site to advertise a new project which requires said fans to fork over even more cash.
Yes, for the low, low price of just $250 you can participate in a TikTok “duet” with Jenelle.
Now, at that rate, the split-screen clip would only be for your personal consumption only.

If, for some reason, you want Jenelle to post the clip on her social media accounts … well, that’ll cost you an extra 50 bucks.
But if that’s too rich for your blood, fear not:
There’s also a $150 option.
For that price, “Jenelle will send you your very own personalized duet video with her!” whatever the hell that means.

If all this sounds crazy, that’s because it is.
Jenelle is already on Cameo , and no one there is paying her to make personalized video greetings.
Now, she’s expecting fans to shell out several times that amount so that the two of them can lip sync to a song together on TikTok.
Mind you, Evans’ TikToks are so bad they’ve already become the stuff of legend.

Maybe she thinks the idea of shelling out $300 to participate in a 30-second trainwreck will appeal to people?
All of this should serve as an indication of how worried Jenelle is about her tax debt.
If she can’t pay it off, she could lose her house and property.
And without The Land, Jenelle basically has nothing.
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