Housewife fined RM1,200 for giving false information to police

Housewife fined RM1,200 for giving false information to police

KUALA LUMPUR: A housewife has been fined RM1,200, in default two months’ jail, by the Magistrate’s Court here after she pleaded guilty to providing false information to a policeman.

Magistrate Aina Azahra Tun Ariffin meted out the sentence on Karen Lee Chy Na, 35, after she entered her plea here on Wednesday (June 12).

According to the charge, the accused filed a report with Corporal Muhammad Sharil Zainal Abidin claiming that she had been robbed by two individuals, who fled with her two passports and three wristwatches valued at RM779,000, knowing the information was false.

She was charged with committing the offence at the Travers Police Station, Brickfields, at 11.20pm on June 10.

The charge framed under Section 182 of the Penal Code provides a maximum prison sentence of six months or a fine of up to RM2,000, or both, upon conviction.

Earlier, Deputy Public Prosecutor Izzat Amir Idham urged for a deterrent sentence, while defence counsel Simret Singh from the National Legal Aid Foundation (YBGK), requested a lenient fine, citing the accused’s housewife status. – Bernama

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