Stray Kids Felix’s Fansite Goes Viral For Outdoing Any Professional Photographer
The talent is unreal!
Stray Kids recently made history, becoming the first male K-Pop act to headline a major UK festival. On July 14, the group gave an outstanding performance at BST Hyde Park’s closing night.

While the media and online communities are still abuzz about how well the group performed at this career highlight of an event, a fansite of the group’s member Felix has stolen some of that spotlight for themselves.

On July 17, KST, an online community user posted multiple pictures taken by the fansite at BST Hyde Park that captured Felix while he was emptying a bottle of water on his handsome face. The OP (original poster) was left stunned that the photographer was able to take such stunning shots in a brief moment, standing in a crowd of nearly 50,000 people!

The post went viral immediately, with over 60,000 views and 500 comments at the time of writing. Netizens are in awe of the fansite master’s skills.

- “Wow, they did a very good job.”
- “Wow, this looks like a pictorial though…? Seems like a makeup or a perfume ad.”
- “Whoa. I thought it was a pictorial.”
- “Youngbok TT (Felix’s real name). This really looks like a pictorial.”
- “No, but really, how did they click these?”

- “This is crazy. I really thought it was a pictorial.”
- “Wow, crazy. They outdid most photographers.”
- “The skills are legendary.”
- “Wow. The water looks like graphics.”
- “Whoa! Crazy skills.”
- “I thought it was a magazine ad.”
- “This isn’t a magazine pictorial? Wow, daebak.”
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