HK actress Xenia Chong files for divorce, claims she was blackmailed and verbally abused by husband

HK actress Xenia Chong files for divorce, claims she was blackmailed and verbally abused by husband

Hong Kong actress Xenia Chong Wan Ching has filed for a divorce from her non-celebrity husband, Joe.

In a statement posted to Instagram on Friday (July 26), Chong revealed that she has been separated from Joe since July last year and is currently undergoing divorce proceedings.

She described the decision as heavy but necessary.

“I would rather bravely admit that my marriage has failed than live every day under threats, emotional blackmail and moral coercion.

“Every day, I’d worry about facing endless abuse, slander and arguments,” the 42-year-old said.

Chong added that she had tried being tolerant for the sake of her three-year-old son but was compelled to file a police report after Joe allegedly took their child to Taiwan on Jan 12 without her knowledge.

“This brought our marriage to an irreparable state.

“(My) child lost his sense of security due to the sudden absence of his mother, and seeing his mother being scolded for a long time has made him withdrawn and reluctant to speak,” she said.

Reports from Hong Kong media indicate that Joe’s reputation has been marred by negative reports of bankruptcy, unemployment and debts since their marriage became public in 2020.

At that time, Chong had expressed her willingness to support Joe and wait for him to “turn things around”.

In her recent statement, the actress lamented the lack of care she received despite being the family’s sole breadwinner.

“I have constantly lived in fear of emotional blackmail and the pain of verbal abuse.

“Even the CCTV, which was originally installed to monitor our child at home, has become a tool for him to threaten to expose my private life,” she said.

The Love At First Lie star continued: “His aggressive behaviors have pushed me to the brink.

“For the safety of my son and myself, I must find the courage to put an end to this marriage and start a new life with my son.”

Chong married Joe in November 2020 and they had a son together in March 2021.

The actress dated singer Steven Cheung in 2013, but the relationship didn’t work out.


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