Don’t blame non-Muslims if you are corrupt, says Ayob Khan

Don’t blame non-Muslims if you are corrupt, says Ayob Khan

PETALING JAYA: A true Muslim with a strong faith will not take bribes nor turn corruption into a racial issue, says Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.

The Deputy Inspector-General of Police said that despite corruption being widely condemned in the Quran, many of those caught receiving bribes were Muslims and it was turned into a racial issue by some.

“If we are true Muslims, if we have strong faith, we will not take bribes and we will not blame others.

“No need to blame the non-Muslims,” said Ayob Khan in a video posted on Facebook on Wednesday (Aug 7).

Instead of pointing fingers, Ayob Khan also said officers should lodge reports to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if anyone offered them bribes.

“These people are twisting the news to dispute that the actions of the MACC or government agencies were wrong,” added Ayob Khan.

He said that those who accepted bribes were the most heinous individuals.

“They think there’s nothing wrong with taking bribes because many people take bribes.

“They are the most heinous individuals,” added Ayob Khan.

To curb corruption effectively, he said it was important to catch higher-ups who are taking bribes.

“If we allow higher-ups who encourage bribes to be free, then their subordinates will rampantly take bribes,” said Ayob Khan.

He said that corruption has replaced drugs as the number one enemy of the nation.

“Narcotics used to be our number one enemy from 1983 to 2024. It has been 21 years, but we are still unsuccessful.

“Now, corruption is our number one enemy,” he added.

Ayob Khan said it was important to appoint a leader who was against corruption, to ensure that the culture of taking bribes can be eradicated.

“If you are taking bribes, you should also apologise to all Malaysians,” he added.

PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang had said in 2022 that the root cause of corruption in the country was the influence non-Malays wielded over the economy and politics.

He said this had allowed non-Malays to dictate terms to the Malays, which in turn made the Malays become corrupted and entangled in financial scandals.

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