Melaka housewife hopeful that daughter will win pageant on Mother’s Day

Melaka housewife hopeful that daughter will win pageant on Mother’s Day

MELAKA: A 34-year-old housewife from the Portuguese Settlement here hopes to get a priceless Mother’s Day gift by seeing her eldest daughter win a beauty pageant.

Cheryl Christybell De Silva has been putting a lot of effort into seeing her 17-year-old daughter Gabriella Amber De Costa win in the second edition of the Miss Teen Global pageant being held in Kuala Lumpur from May 7 to Sunday (May 12).

“Mother’s Day will be a meaningful one when I see my daughter beaming with pride on the stage. My daughter’s journey into the contest is a beacon of hope for aspiring young women,”she said when interviewed on Sunday.

The mother of six said the Form Five student won the state-level contest before qualifying for the global level and is now up against dozens of contestants from other parts of the world.

De Silva said she has been selling homemade cakes and doing catering services to fund her daughter’s journey into the contest.

“Gabriella Amber stands as a testament to the power of determination for her five sisters and one brother,” she added.

De Silva then said that she will work hard to get all the outfits for her daughter so that she can witness her smiling on stage as the champion.

“I am not giving up despite my limited financial resources to give the best to my daughter. As a parent, it would be the most cherishing moment to see my child’s crowning glory on the auspicious day for mums,” she added.

Her 37-year-old husband Benedick De Costa – who works in a courier service company – has also been very supportive.

De Silva also said that she is determined to get sponsors for her daughter to turn her into the pride of the state.

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