Najib Demands That Parliament Be Dissolved Immediately & We Wonder Why…
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia and disgraced politician, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has apparently decided to take on the role of the voice of reason among the political turmoil that our country faces, according to a report from Free Malaysia Today. Yes, he wants to be the bigger person and rise above the petty in-fighting. How, you ask?

By demanding that Parliament be dissolved immediately.
“Enough! We are going nowhere with this political crisis, besides heading towards the nation’s doom and destruction.” he says.

This comes after our beloved YDP Agong took it upon himself to meet all 222 Ministers of Parliament over the span of two days to determine whether there is a party majority that can command the government, as well as who the Prime Minister of Malaysia will be. At this point in time, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad holds the interim Prime Minister position.
It is worth noting that both Najib’s own party, BN, as well as Islamist party PAS, have both been pushing for fresh elections, under the claim that it would benefit the people. So… where does that leave Najib and his ongoing corruption trials then?
What do you guys think of this development?
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