PM Muhyiddin Expected To Address The Public Today After MOH Daily Briefing

The long awaited day has finally arrived. Source: Free Malaysia Today Yesterday (9th April) during MOH’s daily update about the Covid-19 status of our country, Health Director General, Dr Noor Hisham said that, “the Prime Minister will announce what needs to be done to control Covid-19 in the country,” while addressing the media. The Health DG added that he and ministry...

Health DG: M’sia’s Covid-19 Mortality Rate Is Among The Lowest In The World At 1.58%

If you have had any reason to doubt our healthcare services during this time of crisis in Malaysia, then it’s time to put all your doubts to rest. Toiling night and day, our healthcare authorities have been doing their utmost to ensure that the Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia is properly contained. As such, according to a Tweet from...

Survey: 50% of Self-Employed Malaysians Are Out of Jobs Due to MCO

Get ready for some stats. A survey has shown that about 50% of self-employed Malaysians are out of work ever since the movement control order (MCO) was implemented. According to The Star, the survey by the Department of Statistics titled “Effect of Covid-19 on the Economy and Individual” was conducted online on 23 to 31 March and involved 168,182 respondents...

The World Could Face a Shortage In Condoms Due to Malaysia’s MCO As Factories Halt Prodcuction

The world could face a “devastating” shortage in condoms due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. With more than half of humanity being confined to their homes, governments worldwide have ordered the closure of businesses deemed non-essential. This includes condom companies. According to CNA, Malaysia’s movement control order could play a big part in this shortage as the...

Wuhan Celebrates Freedom With Light Show & Song As Government Uplifts 11-Week Lock Down

In more happy, uplifting news, as of yesterday, China ended its 11-week lock down in Wuhan since it became the epicentre of the global pandemic, Covid-19. And we think three weeks  is tough. Source: Sky News According to a report by Sky News, the authorities have begun to allow its 11 million residents to travel in and out of...

Giant Pandas Are Finally Mating After A Decade Of Trying Thanks To Covid-19 Lock Downs

Humans staying indoors may singlehandedly save endangered animals from extinction! After all, the pandas in Hong Kong, Ying Ying and Le Le, are finally mating, as according to The Star. This is a cause for celebration as the officials have been trying to get them to mate for over a decade. “Since Ying Ying and Le Le’s arrival...

KKM Has Advised All Parents To Not Postpone Their Child’s Vaccination & Immunisation Jabs During MCO

Even though the Movement Control Order (MCO) is still ongoing, the Ministry of Health has advised all parents to ensure that their children have received the important vaccinations to avoid other illnesses. According to Berita Harian, babies and children who have appointments to receive immunisation injection or any vaccines are required to continue their scheduled appointment to...

JUST IN: JPJ Wil Be Helping PDRM & ATM With Covid-19 Roadblock Operations

First PDRM, then ATM and now JPJ. It certainly seems like it takes countless hands to bring down stubborn Malaysians. According to Bernama, day 23 of MCO and JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan), has decided to step in to help authorities further enforce the rules and regulations of our partial lock down. Source: The Star Online Defense minister Datuk Seri...

Statistics Reveal T20’s Spending In Percentage Is Lesser Than Middle And Lower Income

Day 23 of Malaysia’s quarantine period and it has been discovered that richer citizens are spending lesser money (in percentage) than the middle-income and lower-income citizens. It is with no doubt that generally expenditure has decreased. In fact, according to the Department of Statistics (DOS), Malaysia’s average household spending has decreased from RM6,317 a month to RM2,813...

Health DG Expresses Worry As There Are People Who Disobey MCO To Visit Relatives

While the frontliners are up front in the battle field, Malaysians are required to adhere to the Movement Control Order (MCO) by staying at home and avoid unnecessary movements. However, some Malaysians have proved from time and time again that they have failed to exercise their social responsibility in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sure, this...