Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Our Marriage Is Not as Happy As It Looks

Of all the Duggar children who fled the nest and started families of their own, the one that viewers find most relatable and easiest to root for is Jinger. Jinger gained a reputation as a rebel in her youth, and she's more than lived up to it in adulthood. While her siblings have -- for the most...

Jinger Duggar Sticks It to Jim Bob, Rocks Shorts In New Workout Pic

In Jim Bob's view, the perfect woman is one who stays at home, keeps the house clean, remains pregnant at all times, and gets dinner on the table early enough so that he fully digest his tater tot casserole before his 8 pm bedtime. Needless to say, JB's 25-year-old daughter Jinger Duggar does not conform with...